Apr 17, 2013

Sky Bus: The Evolutionary Transportation

Sky Bus Metro is a suspended type of railway or we can say that it comes under the category of tramway type transportation. Sky bus is capable of moving with a speed 100 kmph. The system Sky Bus Metro consists of several conventional and some new proven technologies, which makes the Sky bus more efficient. Who invented sky bus and what is it??? What are its components and benefits??

To know all about this superb technology, continue reading the article……


The sky bus technology was envisioned when the traffic conditions of the busy urban areas become very unhygienic and uncomfortable due to the traffic jams for daily road users. The concept of metro was launched as a solution considering the city traffic jams and large people movements. Public transport system and private car owners are used at the same time due to which the traffic on the roads is probably increased. At the same time the installation and commissioning of metro has disturbed the road space by placing pillars along with the road to run metro on a raised platform. If the metro was on its right place, definitely the problem of traffic jams will not appear. 

With keeping all above facts in mind the great engineers presented a thought to build a system which will provide the needed space for the road transportation as well as providing the metro transportation facilities to improve the traffic conditions.

This kind of system has been implemented in many countries successfully, where the roads are provided with a metro type system which is named as the “SKYBUS” OR “AIRBUS”.

The concept of this system was first represented by Indian technologist MR. B.RAJARAM in BOLOGANA University Italy. The first test track of SKYBUS technology was launched in Margao, Goa on 15th October 2003.

 The under frame with standard railway wheel set(Bogies) running on the railway track converts normal railway into sky bus. In this the under frame remains same, wheels run on same track, but the coach is attached to the under frame positively. 

In the above picture, you can see that the median in the centre of the road is used to raise the column to support a concrete box (9.4 meters high and 2.4 meters wide) which hosts a sky guide or track and a powerful bogie or wheel arrangement. Thus provided sky guide or the track allows the bogies to run over it at a seed up to 100kmph.

 The coaches are suspended from the bogies frame running overhead. These coaches are able to survive with lesser loading capacity as compared to normal coached due to their overhead attachment to the track.


The sky bus is provided with some of great technologies with its perfect components which makes it more efficient and comfortable. The components provided for passengers comfort and luxurious facilities are as followings
  • Sky way.
  • Sky Bogies.
  • Sky coaches.
  • Sky Stations.
  • Switching Arrangements for Changing the Tracks.

FEATURES of Skybus

  • BRAKING- Electric re-generative braking with air disk and emergency brakes for stabling are provided.
  • CAPACITY- Each 20 m long sky bus having two compartments (9.5 meters long) is capable of carrying 400 persons.
  •  SIGNAL AND TRAIN CONTROL- Simple three aspect signal system driven a controlling man is provided with a great control on train.
  • SECURITY AND SAFETY- Control with provision of audio-visual access to each coach for security and continuous computerized central monitoring are provided to protect against wind loads, over loading with emergency evacuation.
  • EASY ACCESS- Access to the coaches is very easy because it is maximum 6m above from existing footpath.
  • POWER REQUIREMENTS- For a module of 10 km route, 15 MW power is needed covering traction and all the services even including the air-conditioning.


  • Fast transportation at a speed of 100kmph.
  • Minimal land acquisition problem.
  • No capsizing or Derailment.
  • Easy Construction Due to usage of pre-fabricated technologies.
  • Charges @ 250 to 300 per person per month are affordable for everyone with air-conditioning facilities.

At last we can say that SKYBUS is the only one technology which can change the conditions of our cities. It is the one which will take millions of the vehicles off the road and make the cities eco friendly.

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